Text Utilities

Text Utilities are the most used part of an UI. Here, you can find few of the most commonly used one.


This is Heading 1

This is Heading 2

This is Heading 3

This is Heading 4

This is Heading 5

This is Heading 6

There are inbuilt semantic HTML elements from h1 to h6 or you can use heading classes where semantic elements cant be used. Use any class from h1 to h6 depending on the requirement

Small Text

This is small text

This is medium text

This is large text

You can use class of text-sm for displaying small text. Similarly there are classes like text-md & text-lg for medium and large text respectively.

Gray Text

This is small text

This is medium text

This is large text

You can use class of gray-text to make the text color gray anywhere.

Center Text

This is small text

This is medium text

This is large text

You can use class of text-center to make the text center anywhere.